Galactica Quorum #60 – “Townhall Podcast (Webisodes and Predictions)”

In our second Townhall podcast we discuss the conclusion of the Gaeta webisodes. We then revisit Fifth Cylon theories one final time before stating our predictions, hopes, and expectations for BSG’s last ten episodes. The Quorum panel consisted of Brian, Dimitry, Byrne and Bill. Listen using the player below, or visit our Feedburner page.

Galactica Quorum #59 – “Webisodes (Parts 4-8)”

We continue our discussion of the pre-Season 5 webisodes and gripe about spoilers in the writer commentary.  While seemingly a standalone story, we wonder if this event gives us insight into the Eight’s character, and what it could mean for Athena. Unintended spoilers aside, how do you think this story will end? Will its resolution have any effect in Season …


Galactica Quorum #58 – “Webisodes (Parts 1-3)”

We discuss the first three parts of the new “The Face Of The Enemy” webisodes. We break apart the individual segments and discuss the reveal about Gaeta‘s character. This is our first glimpse of the Rag Tag Fleet since the cliffhanger on the devastated Earth, so we attempt to interpret what it could mean for Season Five. The Quorum members …

Galactica Quorum #57 – “BSG Auction Interview”

We talk with Alec Peters from Propworx, who is putting together the massive collection of actual BSG props that are going up for auction next month. The webisodes and Season 5 premiere have official dates, and aren’t far off! Until then, sci-fi TV pickings are slim. We discuss the dearth of quality sci-fi shows and postulate what is to come …


Galactica Quorum #56 – “Heroes Pile-On”

With little BSG news lately, we turn our eye to other sci-fi shows. In this wide-ranging discussion we cover Heroes, Sarah Connor, Buffy, Knight Rider, and even… Alf? This was recorded a few weeks ago, but our complaints with Heroes still hold true. Have you given up on Heroes? Links mentioned: Maureen Ryan’s Chicago Tribune TV blog post about Heroes …


Galactica Quorum #55 – “Edward James Olmos Interview”

We interview Edward James Olmos at Dragon*Con! We also play some segments from one of the Q&A panels the cast did at the convention. Thanks to Eddie for talking with us! The Quorum correspondents for this episode were Brian and Michele. Here we are with Eddie at the Colonial Fleet party (our interview was the next day). Listen using the …

Galactica Quorum #54 – “Returning Fall Shows”

The fall TV season has begun and we take a look at some of our favorite returning sci-fi shows. We discuss the two-hour premiere of “Heroes” — has it improved from last season? Next, we consider the “Sarah Connor Chronicles” and wonder about its direction. Links mentioned in this podcast: Battlestar Props Prometheus Radio Theater: The Arbiter Chronicles The Quorum …


Galactica Quorum #53 – “Tahmoh Penikett Interview”

We interview Tahmoh Penikett at DragonCon! Tahmoh talks about some of Helo’s memorable scenes, and addresses the infamous Cylon virus controversy. He also mentions his latest role on Joss Whedon’s “Dollhouse.” A big thanks to Tahmoh for taking the time to sit down with us! The interview was done by Brian, Michele, and Ted. Listen using the player below, or …

Galactica Quorum #52 – “Back From Dragon*Con”

We’re back from Dragon*Con, flush with great memories and a Parsec Award for Best Fan Podcast! We reveal some nuggets we learned at the BSG panels, reminisce about the con, and announce our interview with Tahmoh Penikett — who has a special message in this episode. The fall TV schedule is gearing up and we revisit “The Sarah Connor Chronicles.” …


We’re at Dragon*Con!

We’re here at Dragon*Con, taking in the sights. There are BSG cast Q&A panels each day, and of course lots of vendors and exhibits. Saturday night is the Parsec Awards ceremony (we’re finalists for the Fan Podcast award), and later that evening is the Colonial Fleet party. If you happen to see Brian or Michele (the two on the right …