Call in after the finale! LIVE! (Event complete)

(This event is over… thanks for all that participated! It was a great 2 hours!) Want to sound off on the finale, LIVE? Here’s our Talkshoe line: 724-444-7444  Call ID: [event complete]. You don’t need a Talkshoe account to participate, just call in to that number. It’s a conference line, so callers can call and leave as they please. It …


Galactica Quorum #72 – “Daybreak, Part 1”

The beginning of the end starts slowly in “Daybreak, Part 1.” Although we lament another episode treading familiar ground, we still remain faithful that the final two hours will deliver. Did the flashbacks serve a purpose? And can they still wrap things up in time? Will some mysteries, like Starbuck’s past and the nature of the Head characters, remain unresolved? …

Galactica Quorum #71 – “Islanded In A Stream Of Stars”

There were few new developments in “Islanded In A Stream Of Stars,” leading us to wonder if everything was being saved up for the finale–and if that was a wise choice. Fresh clues were scarce, but we discuss Anders, Angels, and the Cylon Colony. We also offer final theories and pose the question: will you really be satisfied if the …


Galactica Quorum #70 – “Someone To Watch Over Me”

After a slow build-up, “Someone To Watch Over Me” ended with a powerful crescendo. We discuss Boomer’s dark nature and whether she was ever redeemable. Next we delve into the implications of Starbuck’s piano-playing father and the song they play. With only two episodes remaining we revisit the rapidly approaching finale and the possible fates for Galactica and the key …

Deadlock – video recap

Here’s the video recap by Pike for “Deadlock,” BSG episode 418, with audio from GQ #69.


No Exit – video recap

Here’s the video recap by Pike for “No Exit,” BSG episode 417, with audio from GQ #67.

Galactica Quorum #69 – “Deadlock”

“Deadlock” was a disappointment, no other way to say it. The episode had questionable characterizations and head-scratching scenes, but amid the mess we unpack Ellen’s behavior and the state of the Cylon-Human blended ship. With little worthwhile to chew on from this episode, we turn to predictions and conjecture. Have we been given the key clue to Starbuck’s legacy? What …


Galactica Quorum #68 – “Michael Hogan Interview”

We interview Michael Hogan at the BSG Prop Auction! Michael talks about playing Col. Tigh, the iconic eye patch, and whether he (the actor) has finally come to grips with his character being a Cylon. Thanks to Michael for the interview, and the beer! The interview was conducted by Brian. Listen using the player below, or visit our Feedburner page.