Galactica Quorum #11 – “The Woman King”

After puzzling about whether we had actually missed an episode last week, we recover to discuss “The Woman King.” Topics include the attitudes toward the Sagittarons, Helo’s never-ending moral crusades, Six’s lack of inhibitions, and Dr. Mike “I discriminate against Mutants too” Roberts. On hand for this episode were Brian, Jason, and Dimitry.

Galactica Quorum #10 – “Mailbag”

There was no new episode on Super Bowl Sunday, so we opened the mailbag for listener response and theories. These included: thoughts about the Final Five, Gaeta’s Cylon potentiality, the 13th Tribe, and a classic “Who Would Win” scenario. Quorum participants were Brian, Michele, Dimitry and Jason.

Galactica Quorum #8 – “Rapture”

Season Three resumes with Rapture. In this episode we cover: Boomer’s fall to the Dark Side Baltar’s role as the Chosen One (or is he?) and his pending return to Galactica Who did D’Anna recognize in her vision of the Final Five? Once again all Quorum members were there: Brian, Dimitry, Michele and Jason. Technical update: I wasn’t happy with …

Galactica Quorum #7 – “Some Answers, Some Speculation”

We recorded a quickie podcast to keep any cobwebs from forming. We answer a couple questions and speculate about a few more. All Quroum members — Brian, Dimitry, Michele and Jason — were there to add their ideas. On a technical note, we’ve recorded seven podcasts now and probably five of them have been recorded using different equipment (computers/software/mics). Such …

Galactica Quorum #6 – “The Stuff From The Bottom Of Page 2”

This time we serve a heaping helping of leftovers… the topics that didn’t make it into previous shows for one reason or another, but were still fresh enough to not throw out. Topics include: Are the Cylon models created from clones of real people? Why haven’t there been any more hybrid babies? How big is the Cylon fleet? Where are …

Galactica Quorum #5 – “Roundtable Podcast”

Today, on a Special Galactica Quorum… It’s a podcast…about a podcast! We discuss the three-hour roundtable (more like coffeetable… no, scotch table) podcast that was recently posted on the website. We extract some of the key talking points from the discussion, including: Helo, “33,” and the not-as-mysterious Cylons. Note: We bring up an as-yet-unseen character and speculate about his …


Galactica Quorum #4 – “The Eye Of Jupiter”

Our marathon discussion of the mid-season cliffhanger episode The Eye Of Jupiter is now ready for the masses (which is how many of you, exactly?). Quorum participants this time were Brian, Dimitry and Michele. We have no idea who (if anyone) is listening at this point, so please drop us a note. As well as our discussion forum, we have …


Galactica Quorum #3 – “The Passage”

The Quorum finally has all members in attendance for a discussion of “The Passage.” We were able to record on a decent laptop this week so there weren’t any audio issues, aside from the logistics of using three mics between four people. Filling out the roster this week is Brian, Dimitry, Michele, and, finally embracing his inner geekiness, Jason. We …


Galactica Quorum #2 – “Unfinished Business”

Episode #2 is ready to go… In this no-holds-barred installment we take a stick to “Unfinished Business.” True to our role as the scrappy underdog, we were forced to record on a PC with 256MB of RAM. Yes, they still exist. No, I didn’t think XP could run on that either. The resulting recording had some blips and dropoffs so …