Galactica Quorum #90 – “Ghosts In The Machine”

Daniel was putting Zoe through tests in “Ghosts In The Machine,” but we’re the one feeling tortured–whether it was the abundance of screentime for bratty Zoe or the head-scratching misadventures of Joseph in New Cap City, it was a trying viewing experience. New Cap City has turned into a disappointment, but we still would like to know–where’s Tamara? The Quorum …

Galactica Quorum #89 – “The Imperfections Of Memory”

Amanda‘s character continues her bizarre descent in “The Imperfections Of Memory.” We ponder over her strange visions and the unusual relationships she has with Clarice and Daniel. News of a new BSG spinoff has us undeniably excited. Meanwhile we try to forecast what changes may be in store for Caprica, now that the show has supposedly taken a new, firmer …


Galactica Quorum #88 – “Know Thy Enemy”

“Know Thy Enemy” was a typical “setup” episode–but setup for what? Not a lot happened, but the introduction of Vergis and Barnabus seems to signal a shift in the story. But what of the other storylines, especially the most interesting one: Tamara? Instead, we are left to roll our eyes over the creepy tech guy, and Clarice’s slapstick spywork. The …


Galactica Quorum #87 – “There Is Another Sky”

It’s not the show BSG fans expected, but with “There Is Another Sky,” Caprica may have finally found its footing. We were very intrigued by Tamara and her storyline in New Cap City. Her dad, however, is a mess–on the show and as a character. The virtual world seems completely at odds with the hard-wired BSG universe, but we’re hopeful …


Galactica Quorum #86 – “Gravedancing”

Perhaps the most charming part of “Gravedancing” was the dancing Cylon. While the issue of the Holoband‘s effects on youth was interesting, watching the Graystones squirm on a studio set was hardly gripping. And did you really think there were going to kill off Amanda? At this point, what characters are drawing you in? Do you mind seeing actors from …


Galactica Quorum #85 – “Reins Of A Waterfall”

“Reins Of A Waterfall” showed a little improvement and story potential, but we’re still waiting for the show to elevate to the next level. This week, listeners weigh in with early reviews of the series so far, mostly negative. We ask what’s missing–is it the lack of sci-fi?  And how do you define sci-fi? We also question what the producers …


Galactica Quorum #84 – “Rebirth”

We knew “Rebirth” couldn’t match the amazing “33” as a series opener, but we still had hopes for more. It’s a character show, and we examine the various choices they make. We look ahead to what this type of show will be, and whether it has mass appeal–all the while, still pining for the show we wish they had made, …

Galactica Quorum #83 – “The Plan”

“…and they have a plan.” Unfortunately “The Plan” doesn’t deliver a satisfactory answer to the question that has been facing us at the start of every episode. We discuss the actual plan (or lack thereof), Hera’s absence, and Cavil’s role as the mastermind. Among the bright spots, we examine Boomer’s struggle and Simon‘s better-late-than-never characterization. We also ponder the climate …

Galactica Quorum #82 – “Doug McLean Interview”

We interview Doug McLean, the Art Director for BSG and Caprica. Doug tells us what goes into making the Battlestar universe look so believable, from sets to CG. He also gives a preview of what the design style of Caprica will be like. Thanks for talking with us, Doug! Doug was interviewed by Brian. Listen using the player below, or …


Galactica Quorum #81 – “Live from Dragon*Con 2009”

Here is our LIVE podcast from Dragon*Con 2009, with special guest Richard Hatch! We opine about the new BSG movie project and discuss what makes Battlestar Galactica appealing as a franchise. We ask what other viable BSG spinoffs there could be, and what fans would like to see in the Caprica series. We had a great audience that brought terrific …