Galactica Quorum #67 – “No Exit”

In “No Exit” long-awaited answers are finally delivered in a flurry of reveals. We scrutinize how well the mysteries fit into the past, and find them to be a more than satisfactory fit. We turn our attention to the remaining puzzles: Starbuck, and the Head characters. Were the revelations too much too fast? And what of the previously unknown Model …

The Oath – video recap

Here’s the video recap by Pike for “The Oath,” BSG episode 415, with audio from GQ #64.


Galactica Quorum #66 – “Richard Hatch Interview”

We interview Richard Hatch, who gives unique insight into the character of Tom Zarek. Whatever you thought of the character before, you may have a different impression once you hear his motivation and perspective, directly from the actor that played him. Thank you, Richard, for talking with us! The interview was conducted by Brian. Listen using the player below, or …


Galactica Quorum #65 – “Blood On The Scales”

The mutiny story arc comes to a gripping conclusion with “Blood On The Scales.” Not just the outcome of the coup storyline, but the resolution of Gaeta’s character. If the heart-quickening mutiny wasn’t enough, we also examine other storylines tucked in the episode: What happened to Anders? Was Romo‘s appearance worthwhile? And what is happening to Galactica? Surviving the bloody …


Galactica Quorum #64 – “The Oath”

The bloody mutiny in “The Oath” made for a taut, tension-filled episode. Besides cheering the return of Starbuck’s ass-kicking ways, we appreciated Gaeta’s orchestrations while lamenting his lost morality.  We wonder, who left is redeemable? Contains small spoiler about Helo and Sharon (first mentioned in our Tahmoh Penikett interview). Brian in front of the CIC plotting table. More pics after …


Galactica Quorum #63 – “A Disquiet Follows My Soul”

After the powerful, moving brilliance of the last episode, “A Disquiet Follows My Soul” was a letdown, although we had varying reasons why we felt that way. For one in the Quorum, it hinted at an all-too familiar plot path. For another, it was another setup episode. And the Nicky resolution? Cop out! Plus, why Gaeta’s role is a bad …


Galactica Quorum #62 – “Sometimes A Great Notion”

The final episodes begin impressively with “Sometimes A Great Notion.” Among the many bombshells, we discuss Cylon Earth, Starbuck’s eerie discovery and Leoben’s reaction, Dee’s suicide, and oh yeah… the identity of the Fifth Cylon. What an episode! We also tell about our trip to Los Angeles for the BSG Prop Auction and all the activities that we saw and …


Galactica Quorum #61 – “Co-Podcast with BSGCast”

We ventured to sunny L.A. for the BSG Prop Auction and the Frak Party Premiere, and recorded a co-podcast with Matt and Nat from BSGCast about the shocking new BSG episode. This is the audio from the video podcast. Richard Hatch makes an appearance, too! We got a ton of interviews and material from the weekend, and have also recorded …