Galactica Quorum #29 – “Razor”

“Razor” is finally here and we don’t hold anything back in this super-sized episode. We take a strong stand against Cain, questioning her motivation and decisions. We also discuss the first hybid, and the wearying question of the 5th Final Five Cylon. Also mentioned: our take on the writer’s strike. Be sure to enter our contest! Special note- due to …

Galactica Quorum #28 – “Razor Minisode #7”

The Razor minisodes conclude and we ponder why Lee was specifically requested to be on the Galactica. And what became of the facility? We conclude with gripes about “Bionic Woman” and “Heroes.” This episode’s quorum consisted of Brian, Dimitry and Michele. To listen to this show, use the player below, or visit our Feedburner page.

Galactica Quorum Minicast #5 – Telephone Testing

We were doing tests of telephone recording and ended up talking about “Heroes” and “Bionic Woman.” Rather than throw it out, we turned it into a bonus minicast. Now that the proof of concept works, we’ll be doing more phoners in the future! Participating in this experiment was Brian and Michele, with Dimitry as the guinea pig. Listen using the …

Galactica Quorum Minicast #4 – Razor Minisode #6

We talk about the minute details of Razor Minisode #6, sidetracking into a short discussion about continuity errors in TV and film. The roster for this minicast was Brian, Dimitry, and Michele. To listen to this podcast, or visit our Feedburner page.


Galactica Quorum Minicast #3 – Razor Minisode #5

We discuss Adama’s grim discovery in Razor Minisode #5. Padding out this minicast we also comment on the news that Season Four won’t be coming until April 2008. This minicast had Brian, Dimitry, and Michele. To listen to this podcast, or visit our Feedburner page.

Galactica Quorum Minicast #2 – Razor Minisode #4

In our second minicast devoted to the Razor minisodes, we remain completely charmed by the effects and reappearance of Original Series designs. Minisode #4 again found us cheering as Adama kicked some Old School Cylon butt. Brian, Dimitry, and Michele were aboard for this minicast. To listen to this podcast, or visit our Feedburner page.

Galactica Quorum #27 – “Fall TV Shows”

Sci-fi and “geek” TV shows are in abundance this fall, so we devote an entire show to talking about what’s out there, and how good they are. Included in the discussion is “Chuck,” “Journeyman,” “Pushing Daisies,” “Big Bang Theory,” and “Torchwood.” FYI, there’s no BSG material this time. This doesn’t represent a change, just something different. Let us know what …

Galactica Quorum Minicast #1 – Razor Minisode #3

We review Razor minisode #3 in this mini-podcast… We cheer the outstanding special effects and acknowledge the many nods to the original series. Like the minisode, this podcast is just a quickie, and not a full episode, although one is coming soon! Brian, Dimitry, and Michele participated in this minicast. Here’s an image showing the old Original Series helmet and …

Galactica Quorum #26 – “First Razor Webisode”

Finally some new BSG material to talk about. It’s only a two minute webisode, but we’ll take it. We discuss the casting and production design and speculate what it might be leading up to. We also talk about “Heroes” and break down “Bionic Woman.” Links mentioned: Law Pro boots for Galactica costume BDU conversion kit We return to our roots …

Galactica Quorum #25 – “Costumes and Heroes Season Two”

After a brief summer hiatus the full Quorum returns! We consider whether the “head” characters are real, and discuss the state of science fiction on network TV. We give a how-to guide for a BSG costume, and we discuss the Season 2 premiere of “Heroes.” The Podcast Awards results are in … we didn’t win. But here are some other …