Another great video by Pike, using my recap of episode 406 from GQ #41:
Galactica Quorum #41 – “Escape Velocity”
After the previous brilliant episode, “Escape Velocity” was a letdown. The episode title was ironic, since the show never seemed to take off, but we try to interpret what seemed to be setup storylines. We discuss Tigh and Chief’s deteriorating mental states, ponder Roslin’s fate, and state the case for Tory being evil (and not just “misunderstood”). The Quorum consisted …
The Ties That Bind – video recap
Pike did it again. I love this one!
Galactica Quorum #40 – “The Ties That Bind”
We felt “The Ties That Bind” was a landmark episode, excellent in execution and full of events that will shape the remaining season. We discuss Tory’s transformation into a villainess, the Cylon civil war, and try to ignore the smell on the Demetrius. Links mentioned in the podcast: Six of One recap on YouTube Cue the Film podcast Quorum appointees …
Six Of One – video recap
Pike put together another video recap from our last podcast. Here it is:
Galactica Quorum #39 – “Six Of One”
There were many enigmatic clues in “Six Of One” and we try to interpret them. We discuss the reference to the Original Programmers, Six’s bloody revolution, Head Baltar, and Starbuck’s promising mission. Plus, we ask Katee Sackhoff questions at a SciFi teleconference, and catch up on voicemails and emails. Links mentioned in the podcast: The “He That Believeth In Me” …
Galactica Quorum Minicast #6 – Episode 38 Deleted Scenes
We were a bit late recording this week, so to fill the gap here’s a minicast with some “deleted scenes” from our last podcast. Sorry for the delay…A full episode with listener voicemail and emails will be coming soon! Same band of merry idiots as the previous pocast: Brian, Dimitry, Jen and Michele. Listen using the player below, or visit …
He That Believeth In Me Recap — put to video!
A new listener put this together. I’m just in awe at what a great job he did. I never imagined that one of my recaps would be put to video, but it almost seems like it was intended that way. Thanks, SkiffyFan!!
Galactica Quorum #38 – “He That Believeth In Me”
BSG is back! Season Four finally is here and we have a lively (and heated) discussion about the premiere. We tussle over Baltar’s religious harem and mock Lee’s aspirations of government service. Plus, we have the requisite Final Five speculation. Be sure to join in on the discussion by sending us email, calling our voicemail or visiting our message board! …
Galactica Quorum #37 – “More Season Four Predictions”
With Season Four imminent, we state our final predictions: Which of the Five will crack first? What’ll become of some of the secondary characters? Can the two religions truly reconcile? Plus, a very interesting theory about how the Final Five resurrect. The speculating seers for this episode were Brian, Dimitry, Jen and Michele. Listen using the player below, or visit …