Galactica Quorum #96 – “Caprica Is Cancelled”

Caprica will not be getting a second season. We look at some of the reasons that the show failed to attract viewers, ranging from scheduling miscues to its soap opera foundation.

Looking ahead to Blood and Chrome, is the BSG franchise played out?

Article mentioned: The Hitfix’s 5 Reasons What Went Wrong With Caprica

The Final Five Caprica episodes will air January 4th starting at 6pm on Syfy (US).

The Quorum consisted of Brian, Jason and Michele.

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Comments 3

  1. Friends don’t let Friends watch the Final Five Episodes of Caprica! Put down the remote, don’t schedule the episodes to be recorded.

  2. I will be watching the “final five” episodes of Caprica (on DVR) and i agree with most of your observations as to why the show failed. I think the mst egregious mistake made by SyFy was in schduling the $#)@)(@( the hiatus(es) between broadcast (not just of the pilot to season but season 1 to the cut short 1.5

    By the way i HATE that hiatus stuff even when the Sopranos did it. I was lucky enough to watch BSG in retrospect off the DVDs so i did not have to wait the interminable months of hiatus like you fanboy/fangirls watching it in broadcast did.

    Caprica was an attempt at an exploration of a doomed civilization (needing exposure of multiple colonies). What helped to kill it was a certain lack of direction plus GLACIALLY slow pacing.

  3. Nice job on podcast 96. I was pleased to hear you use passages from my posts. Of course, after watching the Final Five, I realize that some of my concerns were addressed, particularly in Apotheosis. I pretty much liked the last 10 minutes or so when the story leaped forward. I don’t remember a show doing that before. It might not tie up all the loose ends, but it gives some answers to the major questions raised in earlier episodes. One thing that confuses me is Zoe seeming to be the first skin job in the Colonies rise of the Cylons. I thought that would come later.

    I’d also like to know if that leap forward was planned originally when Caprica went in the can or if the last episode was somehow recut after the cancellation.

    I’m looking forward to your podcasts on the Final Five episodes.

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