Galactica Quorum #94 – “Unvanquished”

Caprica returns with “Unvanquished.” Unfortunately it failed more than once to take the necessary step forward, always backing down from what could have been a game-changing event.

We scratch our heads over Clarice and her plan, Geminon’s virtual sets, and the focus on the STO. But the biggest WTF came from the last scene. The show took a turn there, but we’re not sure it was a good one.

The Quorum consisted of Brian, Jason, and Michele.

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Comments 1

  1. Hi all,

    Yes you seemed to agree with me pretty much about this episode. There is nothing positive to say! As i’ve said i’m done watching the series now, and havent watched the episode from this week. If it gets better let me know!


    Matt UK

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