Galactica Quorum #38 – “He That Believeth In Me”

BSG is back! Season Four finally is here and we have a lively (and heated) discussion about the premiere. We tussle over Baltar’s religious harem and mock Lee’s aspirations of government service. Plus, we have the requisite Final Five speculation.

Be sure to join in on the discussion by sending us email, calling our voicemail or visiting our message board!

Brian, Dimitry, Jen and Michele made up this installment’s opinionated Quorum members.

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Comments 1

  1. Regarding the discussion in this episode about Baltar’s lack of enthusiasm for ze girls:

    Baltar went from the depths of despair (as far as he knew, he faced certain execution) to elation (found innocent) and then slid back down the slope to a different type of despair.

    Right after the trial, he turns to Romo Lampkin and begins to discuss their glorious future together, building a new Baltar on the foundation of his ‘vindication’. Romo & Apollo knock this fantasy down with their ‘no thanks’, leaving him hanging. Minutes later, he’s realizing just how much hatred there is for him. When the women grab him, he probably doesn’t know if he’s about to die or not. Then, when he sees the shrine, he probably levels out because at this point, he’s just about numb.

    If you go back and forth between a hot and a cold room, you’ll get sick. There’s only so many cycles your body can take before it says “just waitaminute”. The mind works the same way, he’s been on an emotional rollercoaster, so his attitude in the ‘Church o’ Baltar’ makes sense.

    He’ll go messiah in the next couple episodes, and will eventually be the Cylon Jesus, I’m guessing, but his reactions as shown so far are believable to me.


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