Galactica Quorum #9 – “Taking A Break From All Your Worries “

Apollo gets drunk, Baltar gets dunked. We discuss Taking A Break From All Your Worries including Galactica’s hot new nightspot, and the “bonus” scene with Roslin and Caprica.

Quorum members this time were Brian, Dimitry, and Michele.

Comments 4

  1. Do we really know if the question of Boltar being a Cylon has been answered.

    It does not seem so to me at this point but I may have missed something on this week show.


  2. Post

    Nothing has been answered 100%… even Baltar seems to have some doubt that it’s definitively a “no.”

    When his resurrection turned out to be merely a hallucination, he realized that he wasn’t downloading, he were merely dying. But it scared him enough to not want to try again, I think.

  3. I just got listening to your podcast and I would like to speak about the bar.

    For one, they have two flight pods and so a bar could have easily been set up in the unused flight pod

    For two, the flightpods are long things, and so are the hangar decks. So, the bar could have easily been set up in an area of the deck that isnt used or w/e

  4. Also, also.

    Cloud 9 was the place where the bars would have been for the rest of the fleet, unless you count the shady Black Market ship.

    But with Cloud 9 destroyed, there is no reasonable place for them to go.

    Also, the civvies on galactica need a place to drink too.

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